Holiday Detector

Portable holiday detectors are designed for various pipeline, plant, and other surface applications where the inspection surface remains stationary and the detector is moved over the inspection surface. High voltage detectors are used for thicker surface coatings, such as those used on pipelines and other industrial applications. low voltage, wet sponge detectors are used for thin film applications.

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Holiday detector

Holiday test machine model HD 05 DC holiday detector has range of 0-5KV DC. Holiday Detector is portable fully digital holiday detector is used for quality control inspection instrument. It is used to electrically locate and fault find in defects of protective coatings. Audible and visual alarms are activated when a flaw is detected using holiday detector rubber brush and electrodes. This makes holiday detection procedure very easy and operator friendly.

Holiday test for pipe / holiday detector is suitable for all types of coatings like fusion bonded epoxy, coal tar epoxy, paints, polyester, polyurethane, pipeline tapes, heat shrinks and asphalt. Holiday tester is versatile unit can be used to inspect protective coatings applied to pipelines, tanks, pilings, fire lines or buried pipelines of conductive surface. Holiday test method is very simple. A test voltage is applied to the coating by moving a brush probe across the surface and where there is either a pinhole or flaw the voltage will spark through the coating at the flawed location a red flashing indicator will flash and an audible alarm will sound the detected flaw can now be marked for subsequent repair and testing resumed for the remaining surface area, if no flaws are detected the test will therefore be non-destructive test method.